Thursday 1 December 2016

This bench

This bench 
Like its brothers has never discriminated
From derriere to derriere or bag from bag

It has stood firm
It's concrete base
Weathering dust storms and rain and trash and crow bajsas

It has united and can seat
4 large children
5 uncomfortably ,squeezed moderately chubby teenagers or
6 tiny first graders

Headquarters for 
Girls gossiping 
Boys horsing around
Cliques occupying territory
Love birds courting

Never deceiving, 
It tells you when there are too many seated 

Yet it is kind
And its brothers sit at its shoulder's sides 
Like outstretched hands 
And if you kneel a little 
You could sit between two groups

 This rather unloved bench
Nobody to cool it down on summers
When it can't bear the weight of sunlight anymore
Nobody to keep it warm in winters
When it can't bear the weightlessness of the chill

Rather unloved
Nobody takes selfies with it on their farewells
Nobody tags it on their timelines for all the good days 
Or the bad days
 Or just days where
You've seen me glorious
You've seen me grotesque

Under-loved or rather unloved
Nobody calls you bae or bae-nch or seatie
Even though it's always been our before anyone else's on days
Where we couldn't support ourselves

It's seen my ancestors
And my descendants
And this soil we still call home

Yet you still sit silently
Waiting for us to come home already

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