Sunday, 1 November 2015

Early birds vs. Night owls

I wake up. Check my phone. It's 5:00. I jump out of bed. The house is silent. Everybody who has the authority to tell me what to do, or irk me with their presence is asleep. I go out to the terrace. The street is deserted.

Early birds: 1
Night owls:0

It's 7:30. I'm in school.
"Good morning," I yell to one of the people who come to school early.
"Huh? Yeah. Morning," she groans back.
"You look awful, what happened? " I probe.
"Oh," She brushes her hand in the air. "Went to sleep around 3:00 a.m. Soooo sleeeepy."
"What? Why?"
"Facebook. Everybody's online at 1:00."
"Everybody's stupid. They're wrecking themselves.I went to sleep at 10:00. Woke up at 5."
"Why? What is wrong with you?"
"What do you mean whats wrong with me. Your'e the one who's nocturnal."
"But you're the only one in this grade who sleeps early. You're 16. Stop being such a loser and join  the club."
"Suit yourself."

Early birds: 1
Night owls: 1

It's 2:30.  I sniffle . I log on to ted and there is a new TED talk on the merits of sleeping on time.
I curse my nocturnal friends, the people who think they're all that just because slumber befalls them when they should already be in bed. I know they're just naive and they're wrecking they're health and I'll still be sexy when I'm 40. They'll see.

Early birds: 2
Night owls: 1

Its 7:30. I usually start to wind down and get ready for bed but I have to start getting ready for a wedding. I've already lost significant cognitive function. After almost burning my clothes  while ironing them I get a slap on my head. "Kaha tha na. You should have taken a nap in the afternoon,"
I dismiss the chide.

Early birds: 1
Night owls: 1
It's 9:30. My eyes begin to close as we're going to the wedding. Everyone in the car is excited. I just want them to shut up. I want my nice bed. I want to not go in a party that will last till 12:00. A party where the caterers themselves will have to push the guests out. But I don't have a choice do I? It would be impolite to not go. 

Early birds: 0
Night owls: 2

It's 10:30. The food hasn't been served yet because the bride has yet to arrive. My head rests on a table top. I'm not even waiting for anyone or anything anymore. I can see a horde of family members passing me, some looking my way expecting a Salaam .I look away and close my eyes. Maybe if they'd come earlier, the bride would've arrived earlier, and the food would've been put up and the party would have started earlier and I wouldn't have had to endure such physical torture. Maybe I would have been the life of the party instead of looking like a person fallen. Maybe I would've said the Salaam.

Early birds : 0
Night owls: 2
It's 11:30. They're calling me to get a picture taken. I gave up any sense of social etiquette an hour ago and am sprawled across a sofa. It's embarass- no. It is heaven.This couch was there for me when nobody else was. I need to shut my eyes for just a...

"Batool, Batool! Come. Last picture," somebody screams.

 I zombie-walk up the stage and pose for maybe the ugliest picture ever.  
Early birds: 0
Night owls: 2
It's 12:30. My family is getting in the car. We're finally leaving. Dad has to sort of push/hold my hand to get me in the car. When I was younger and 3 times lighter he could just carry me. 

Early birds: 0
Night owls 2
I reach home, too sleepy to change. to brush my teeth. to remove my makeup. Damn you nocturnals. You win.

Early birds:0
Night owls: 3