Sunday, 19 January 2014

Come Hail Or Snow

That feeling started to stir inside me. That feeling where I start to believe how I'm just a worthless piece off meat. You know, that feeling.

It's true. When I earnestly want to make an effort to do something , life finds a way of saying "Got ya !" to my face.

I want to exercise, a family member brings gargantuan amounts of chocolate.
I want to astonish my teachers into changing their perception of me as a punctual kid and I forget to turn on my alarm for school.
I want to change the world and I barely have the energy to change from my pyjamas to my clothes on a Sunday.

When I wanted to do something worthwhile, why did the world suddenly have a need to dump all of its hate on me. I may be a piece of meat but I'm not that bad .

Life can get pretty suckish when you can't do what you want to. I don't know about you but I get pretty turned off when a goal isn't achieved. It kind of makes me never want to initiate a good habit again.

Let's say you've vowed yourself to sleep before 12 since it's exam week and you need to be fresh in the morning to give a good exam. It is 10:00, the time when you should close your Facebook account and start getting ready for bed when suddenly the love of your life says hi to you in a message.Ouch! Tough call much?

Now this is the time to adopt Nike's slogan as your motto:
So what are you waiting for?
Come hail or snow, just do it. Close the laptop. Say goodbye since you have an exam. I know it's going to be tough. You're probably going to hate yourself for quite some time. But you've made a promise to yourself. Look at it this way, You might get an A+. You'll get into the college of your dreams. You'll be able to make a future for yourself .

Make your day and:

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

His Sword's Better Than My Sword

Hey Warriors.

Is there ever a time when you look at other people and you go "If only I had her personality I'd be unstoppable" or "If I was as smart as him I'd make it to any Ivy League."

Envy, a lack of confidence and jealousy. These feelings we hide inside are pretty ugly.

Its pretty disheartening when I see beautiful girls starving themselves just to get the body of a Victoria's Secret model. Or when I witness decent people change into someone fake and basically not themselves.

Our lack of self-confidence causes us to doubt ourselves. So whenever we see someone better than us rather than being happy for them we feel inferior ourselves. Some people try to copy people they admire but end up becoming even more confused. For instance your friend may be an amazing public speaker but since you were more of a writer, you couldn't speak as well as him no matter how hard you tried.

The problem with comparing ourselves to others is that we, instead of fixing our faults start to feel sorry for ourself .
An apple never compares itself to an orange. And neither should you.

Or we become so wound up in the other person that we start to act like them. Believe me the world has already seen Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Nelson Mandela and Michael Jackson. What the world needs now is someone new. It might just be you (hey that rhymes!). You never know.

So what are you waiting for? Get lost and find yourself.

Friday, 3 January 2014

Happily Disconnected

The empty feeling hits me whenever I open Facebook. People look like they are having the time of their lives. Girls who look pretty okay are getting like a 100+ comments on their pictures. When I check out my wall I get about 5 notifications, majority of them being Candy Crush Saga requests.

Facebook portrays a person's social status in my school. Since I'm not the hottest person to be around with I get like a 10 or a 12 out of a possible 100 on the Facebook popular-o-meter.
This is not what Mark Zuckerberg imagined happening.

Now, I'm not trying to besmirch Facebook. I'm just giving an account of the depression I encounter when I use a social-networking site.

And believe me I'm not the only one. Studies show how depression caused by the usage of social-networking sites is becoming common amongst people.

So, now what?

Lets do what my mom did with me. She banned me from using it for a month. At first I was pretty annoyed with her. Later, I felt at a sense of tranquility within me. I no longer worried whether Sara got a 100 comments at her picture compared to my 10. Neither did I fuss about my lack of friends added on it. I was happily disconnected.

Now, I'm not saying stop using your social-networking site forever. C'mon who wants to be a complete nobody on the Internet.

Just limit it. And stop comparing yourself with others .Whether its on the internet or in real life.

Now thats a lot easier said than done but trust me you have no other option since I don't think anyone would purposely choose depression.

Happy social-networking.