Monday, 23 December 2013

An Army Is Not Made Up of One Man

The warrior missed his previous life. It was heaven compared to the bloodshed he was facing nowadays. He cursed God for bringing war to his country and having to make him fight while his brothers in another country were having the time of their lives.

"Cyrano!" cried Gerard, a fellow soldier. "Edmond's dead."

Cyrano's heart sank. Edmond was a good man. He didn't deserve to die. Just like him, he had a family to support.

Even though he wasn't as happy as his siblings at least he was alive. Cyrano silently prayed to God thankful to just be alive.


We all have times when we are challenged by life just like Cyrano. We miss the good ol' days or just want to be in a better situation.

Sometimes it feels as if only we are stuck in a sticky situation while others are having a blast.

Trust me. They're not.

I remember when my little brother had been diagnosed with autism.It had torn my family apart.

But at least it is not as bad as what happened to my dad's boss's son. He died when his kidneys stopped working. He also didn't deserve to die. He was stinking rich but passed away in his early 20's. That's like the best time of a person's life.

I'd rather have a brother than have him die in front of me. I can't imagine what his family must be going through.

I know it is hard not comparing your situation to someone who's better off than you are. It certainly wasn't easy for me. I kept on comparing my brother to my friends' brothers who are neurotypical.

But by comparing you'll never be optimisitic.

I can tell you one thing. You're not alone. And an army is not made up of one man. Everyone has to go through life.

And remember, God's here for you.

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Take That Sword Out of Its Scabbard

According to google search a warrior is a brave or experienced soldier or fighter.

So,what attracted me to warriors?

I'm not a big fan of wars.
I hate the part where warriors die.
Neither do I like the part where they get inflicted by weapons.

What's really admirable about a good warrior is that he fights. Till the very end.

And my blog will tell you how to do just that.

It's not your average productivity-article-thumping blog with monotonous posts on how to be happy and stay successful.I hope it'll be more fun than that.

So take that sword out of its scabbard and prepare to fight for your life.

I hope you enjoy.